Ashes to Ashes

 Ashes to Ashes is a body of work that situates the garden and the grave as a metaphor to explore intimate narratives around childlessness—whether by choice or due to uncontrollable circumstances such as infertility, miscarriage, and infant death. I delicately navigate through the grief that surrounds these often-tabooed subjects, with my own grief and experience of childlessness as the main entry point to the work. The multimedia art installations in Ashes to Ashes typically involve the earth/ground, live and dead plants, as well as other natural materials in concert with man-made objects. These material components are often accompanied by video, text, and sound, as well as performative elements borrowed from funeral rites, burial practices, and memorial customs—such as the burning of incense, the excavation of a grave, symbolic burials, and ritual acts of care.